To set required fields in woocommerce when adding a product, you will need to use hooks to enforce validation before the product is saved
// Function to validate required fields before saving product
function custom_validate_required_fields( $product_id, $product ) {
$errors = array();
// Check if Post Title is empty
if ( empty( $product->get_title() ) ) {
$errors[] = __( 'Product title is required.', 'your-text-domain' );
// Check if Post Content is empty
if ( empty( $product->get_description() ) ) {
$errors[] = __( 'Product content is required.', 'your-text-domain' );
// Check if Featured Image is empty
if ( ! has_post_thumbnail( $product_id ) ) {
$errors[] = __( 'Featured image is required.', 'your-text-domain' );
// If errors found, display error messages and prevent saving product
if ( ! empty( $errors ) ) {
foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
wc_add_notice( $error, 'error' );
return false; // Prevent saving product
return true; // Proceed with saving product
add_action( 'woocommerce_process_product_meta', 'custom_validate_required_fields', 10, 2 );
hook fired when a product is being saved. It checks if the required fields Post Title, Post Content, and Featured Image are empty