Modify date query by URL parameter using pre_get_posts and $_GET

I’m not where I can test this, but for something like:, perhaps an approach like that outlined below could work.

(I can almost guarantee a type or two, so be sure to rewrite/edit/rework this into your function and ensure you don’t inherit my errors).

   if (isset($_GET['date']))
           //using past, present, future as example. not sure what you wanted to pass in url
           switch( $_GET['date'] ) {
               case ('past'):
               case ('present'):
               case ('future'):

           // $metas will be array of arrays, and we only want one of those,
          //  otherwise we risk altering the compare value of the city or 
         //  some other meta query array

          //get existing meta_query from $query
           $metas = $query->get('meta_query'); 
           foreach ( $metas as $meta ) {

            //limit edits to the one we want, when we want it
            if ( $meta['key'] == 'event_start_date' && $meta['compare'] != $compare ) {

                //might not need to unset, as setting it will overwrite
                unset( $meta['compare'] ); 

                $meta['compare'] = $compare;


          //now that foreach is over, re-set() the whole meta query
          $query->set( 'meta_query', $metas );

    }//if (isset)            


Also, be mindful that your

if (isset($_GET['city']))
    $query->set('meta_key', 'city');
    $query->set('meta_value', $_GET['city']);

might be overwriting an existing meta query (I’m unsure if adding it that way appends, prepends, or replaces anything being handled by WP_Meta_Query.)
In any event, using $query->get('meta_query'); first can allow you to add another array of args to the meta_query:

$meta_query = $query->get('meta_query');
$my_new_meta_query = array(
                               'key'     => 'city',
                               'value'   => $_GET['city'],
$meta_query[] = $my_new_meta_query;

I only add that in case your intention was to build meta queries with url params such as etc.