Dynamically set taxonomy term and show admin notice on post save

Okay, so just in case anyone needs help on the same thing I did… here is my solution. Instead of a php/wordpress solution, I used javascript. Id love to see the php/wordpress solution if someone wants to post it.

// Admin Custom JS
add_action('admin_head', 'admin_custom_js');
function admin_custom_js() {

    // update date (month) taxonomy term on change of start date acf field

        var $startDateInput = $('div[data-name="start_date"] input');
        if ($startDateInput.length) {

                var val = $(this).val();
                var moList = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"];

                if (val === ''){

                } else {
                    var moNum = val.substr(0,2);
                        moNum = moNum.replace('0','');
                        moNum = Number(moNum) - 1;
                    var moName = moList[moNum];

                    var termVal = $('#datechecklist').find('label:contains("'+moName+'")').find('input').val();
                    var msg = 'Start date month set to '+moName;

                    $('#datechecklist input').prop('checked',false);
                    $('div[data-name="start_date"] .acf-label p').remove();
                    $('div[data-name="start_date"] label').after('<p class="description" style="font-weight:bold;color: #0a81d2">'+msg+'</p>');



