My page is shown as archive in my site

In the terminology of WordPress, an “archive” is where posts of a certain type are listed. The archive is simply the place to view all of your posts of a certain type, such as your agency post type.

From looking at the class names added to the element of the two pages you linked, I can see two different templates are in-use.

An abbreviated copy of the body element from your intended layout:
<body class="page-template page-template-page-agencies page-template-page-agencies-php page page-id-1468 ... " data-elementor-device-mode="desktop">

This shows that your theme has a template named page-agencies.php that creates the look/layout that you had and want to restore.

Somehow in your theme or plugin settings that template is no-longer being used. Instead, the broken layout you have now is (probably) using the theme’s default archive.php template. This might be due to changes in your Yoast plugin settings but I am not familiar enough with the plugin to confirm.