The Underscores (_s) starter theme comes with a keyboard navigation script for this. I haven’t tested this myself though. But the JS file looks like this:
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
$( document ).keydown( function( e ) {
var url = false;
if ( e.which == 37 ) { // Left arrow key code
url = $( '.previous-image a' ).attr( 'href' );
else if ( e.which == 39 ) { // Right arrow key code
url = $( '.entry-attachment a' ).attr( 'href' );
if ( url && ( !$( 'textarea, input' ).is( ':focus' ) ) ) {
window.location = url;
} );
} );
It also needs some modifications to your attachment theme file to make the links work correctly. My suggestion is that you download the _s theme and take a look in the image.php file.
Basically what you need on the attachment page is a link to the next/prev image inside an element with the class “previous-image””entry-attachment”.