Non page link in wp_list_pages

I don’t know what you mean by “open a second navigation”. That could mean several things. But to get an “empty” link you have a couple of choices:

Option #1– aka, easy but kind-of a hack

Add a menu item with the “Custom Links” form. You have to provide an URL but you can delete the URL after the item is added to the menu. You will end up with <a>People</a> in the menu. You can’t add an id but you can add a class from the menu item’s dialog.

Option #2– Filter wp_list_pages

function prepend_to_page_walker_wpse_103936($output) {
  $pattern = '|<ul>|';
  $output = preg_replace($pattern,'<ul><li id="people"><a href=" Page">People</a></li>',$output,1);
  return $output;
add_filter('wp_list_pages', 'prepend_to_page_walker_wpse_103936');

Option #3– Write a walker

Option #1 is obviously easier if you can use it, but it sounds like you aren’t. Thought I would through it in though.

Option #2 should work. preg_replace with the fourth limit parameter should only replace the first occurrence of <ul>.

Option #3 would give you the most flexibility but it looks like you’d need to replace a significant method to do it (or this one), and I don’t see the point of that effort. It is possible that I am missing something though.