Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in bodycenter [closed]

The problem is this line:

$cat_info = get_term_by('slug', $cat, 'product_cat');

You’re trying to get a category by slug, but $cat is undefined, so $cat_info is false, which means that this line:

$l_name = trim($ctitle) != '' ? $ctitle : $cat_info->name;

Is throwing the first error, because you can’t access ->name on false.

And on this line:

$l_href = get_term_link($cat, 'product_cat');

$l_href is becoming a WP_Error object because — again — $cat doesn’t exist. This means that:

$output .= '<a class="cat-img" href="'.$l_href.'">';

Is throwing the second error, because you’re can’t concatenate a WP_Error object into a string.