Post Ancestor and Child Post in Custom Post Type

Given a post represented by a post object $p, you can find out if post 31 is the parent via:

if($p->post_parent == 31){
    // it is!
} else {
    // it isn't

To figure out the children, something like:

$posts = get_posts(array(
    'post_parent' => $p->ID,
    'post_type'   => $p->post_type
// if there are children, they will be contained in `$posts`

Finally, to determine how many levels deep down the hierarchy you are, you will need to recurse up the hierarchy $p->parent_post == 0, and then count how many times you needed to do that.


$level = 1;
while($parent->parent_post != 0){
    $parent = get_post($parent->parent_post);