Print results of a WP_Query to wp-admin/upload.php within ‘delete_attachment’ hook?

Here is a workaround that I decided to use thanks to a suggestion on forums. I added a new column to the media library list view that displays the results of the WP_Query for each media attachment.

This lets wp-admin users see if a post is attached to an ACF image field or not. I am still preventing attachment deletion using similar code as in the original question, but instead of giving wp-admin users a notification or modal that the attachment can be deleted on triggering the 'delete_attachment' hook, users can see in the list view if the media is attached to any ACF image field -> which explains if it is able to be deleted or not.

In the code below, $query represents the same data as in my original question (see above $query = new WP_Query($args)), just refactored that bit into a new function wp_query_metaquery_check_acf_image_field_usage( $attachment_id ).

add_filter('manage_media_columns', function($columns) {
    // Remove the default 'comments' column
    // Add the custom column 'ACF Image field usage' under column key 'acf_image_field_usage'
    return array_merge($columns, ['acf_image_field_usage' => __('ACF Image field usage', 'textdomain')]);

add_action('manage_media_custom_column', function($column_key, $attachment_id) {

    if ($column_key == 'acf_image_field_usage') {

        $query = wp_query_metaquery_check_acf_image_field_usage( $attachment_id );

        // If 0 posts were found in the meta_query
        if (count($query->posts) === 0) {
            echo '<span style="color:inherit;">'; _e("None", 'textdomain');
            echo '</span>';
        // If 1 or more posts were found in the meta_query
        } else if (count($query->posts) > 0) {
            // Loop through meta query results to log each discovered post containing the attachment
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($query->posts); $i++)  {
                echo '<span style="color:inherit;">'; _e($query->posts[$i]->ID . ' - ' . $query->posts[$i]->post_title, 'textdomain'); 
                echo '</span>';
                echo '<br>';


}, 10, 2);