Search WordPress Hook for completed Elementor Update

If I understand correctly, you want to do this: add_action(‘upgrader_process_complete’, ‘my_clear_elementor_cache’); function my_clear_elementor_cache() { // Make sure that Elementor loaded and the hook fired if (did_action(‘elementor/loaded’)) { // Automatically purge and regenerate the Elementor CSS cache \Elementor\Plugin::instance()->files_manager->clear_cache(); } }

Hook on opening a media/document

I am trying to find a hook to be able to set a datalayer.push everytime a document is opened. It could even be something that runs after the document is opened ex: No. WP isn’t running when you visit PDF files directly via their URL, so there is no PHP loaded and no opportunities … Read more

theme.json is altering Group block HTML

I was able to prevent the unwanted altering of HTML by using the render_block_core/group filter, and a copy of wp_restore_group_inner_container, without the JSON support check. public static function my_add_block_group_inner( $block_content, $block ) { $tag_name = isset( $block[‘attrs’][‘tagName’] ) ? $block[‘attrs’][‘tagName’] : ‘div’; $group_with_inner_container_regex = sprintf( ‘/(^\s*<%1$s\b[^>]*wp-block-group(\s|”)[^>]*>)(\s*<div\b[^>]*wp-block-group__inner-container(\s|”)[^>]*>)((.|\S|\s)*)/U’, preg_quote( $tag_name, “” ) ); $replace_regex = sprintf( ‘/(^\s*<%1$s\b[^>]*wp-block-group[^>]*>)(.*)(<\/%1$s>\s*$)/ms’, … Read more