Query Custom Fields in Searchform

Option 1 – Grab the post ID at the same time

You can also select the post_id field when you running your query, allowing you to then get the post with a call to get_post($values->post_id); (if required).

global $wpdb;
$query = $wpdb->prepare('
    SELECT p.post_id, p.meta_value
    FROM %1$s AS p
    WHERE p.meta_key = "post_views_count"',
$results = $wpdb->get_results($query);

You’ve not stated how your form submittion is being handeled, but you could add the post ID as the value in your dropdown, and then during handeling you have the ID and can do what you desire with it.

if(!empty($results)) :  // Ensure there are results to create a dropdown from

    echo '<select>'."\n";
    foreach($results as $result) :  // Loop through each result and output an option
            "\t".'<option value="%1$s">%2$s</option>'."\n",
    echo '</select>'."\n";

Option 2 – Grab the whole post and join it to the meta_value –

If the above doesn’t go far enough, you can select both the meta_value and the Post related to it using the query below. From there, you can do whatever you desire as you’d have the full post.

Note however that it’s recommended that you only select the fields that you acutally want (it’s quicker), so I’d advice replacing p.* with the only what you intend to use.

global $wpdb;
$query = $wpdb->prepare('
    SELECT p.*, pm.meta_value
    FROM %1$s AS p
    JOIN %2$s AS pm ON (p.ID = pm.post_id)
    WHERE pm.meta_key = "post_views_count"',
$results = $wpdb->get_results($query);