What do you mean by “dynamic” ? Do you want it to work with different posts?
If so, that’s simple. Before your get_posts query function, get page terms, and pass them to your array. You can get taxonomies with
<?php get_the_terms( $yourpostid, 'your_custom_taxonomy'); ?>
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- get_the_terms() to show all custom taxonomies
- How to order a list of taxonomy terms alphabetically?
- Custom taxonomy query not working with switch_to_blog
- Can I limit term selection to one plus parent?
- Insert form checkbox at bottom of taxonomy edit term page
- Get Current Custom Taxonomy ID by Post ID
- ‘wp’ action hook not firing in admin and login?
- Taxonomy archive showing no results
- How can marge these loop code?
- Am unable to reset a query properly
- Get_terms stopped working after WP 4.2
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- save custom term – hook create_term doesn’t work
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- Several taxonomy query (like filter)
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- Order taxonomy terms wordpress
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- Unsetting post_tag taxonomy breaks term description for other taxonomies
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- displaying links if term is used
- How to include child terms within parent?
- Display term description on hover using get_the_term_list
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- Display woocommerce product_cat child terms with thumbnails
- query grandchildren taxonomy terms
- List posts grouped by children of a custom taxonomy
- Hide empty categories on widget