I have own server (mywordpress.com). At now I have two big images (as background ) on mywordpress.com page. I have asymmetric bandwidth on this server 1024/128 kBit. So Slow upload on this server causes clients waiting about 30s to load this images. My idea is to move this two big images to external server for example otherserver.com/big1.jpg and somehow integrate media library element on mywordpress.com I want to something like this <img src="http://otherserver.com/big1.jpg" />
instead <img src="http://mywordpress.com/big1.jpg" />
on mywordpress.com server. That is all. Almost all elements of my page will be load from slow mywordpress.com server but two http request (GET big1.jpg) goes to fast otherserver.com this should be faster solution.
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