To remove http:
and https:
from all links, use the following script:
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'wpse_232287_init' );
function wpse_232287_init() { // Initiate the function
ob_start( 'wpse_232287_remove_http' );
function wpse_232287_remove_http( $buffer ) {
// Check for a Content-Type header, only apply rewriting to "text/html" or undefined
$headers = headers_list();
$content_type = null;
foreach ( $headers as $header ) {
if (strpos( strtolower( $header ), 'content-type:' ) === 0 ) {
$pieces = explode( ':', strtolower( $header ) );
$content_type = trim( $pieces[1] );
if ( is_null( $content_type ) || substr( $content_type, 0, 9 ) === 'text/html' ) { // Replace 'href""src' attributes within script/link/base/img tags with '//'
$return = preg_replace( "/(<(script|link|base|img|form)([^>]*)(href|src|action)=[\"'])https?:\\/\\//i", "$1//", $buffer );
if ( $return ) { // On regex error, skip overwriting content
$buffer = $return;
return $buffer;