wordpress is auto using http: not https: as it needs to because the server is http behind a reverse proxy https, how do I stop it?

I have a fix, I am not happy with it but it works: I added define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true); to wp-config.php Then I changed this method is_ssl() in /wp-includes/load.php to this. I think to avoid this bug, the define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true); check should have be used by the developers. I added the line if( defined( FORCE_SSL_ADMIN ) ) … Read more

Development to production, how to move a development site from http + dev.example.com to a production site https + example.com?

I’ll try to outline the fundamental steps — your mileage might vary, depending on your actual setup. I tend to manage WordPress deployments in an automated manner (e.g. Ansible), so I have a preference for command-line scripts and config files. Define the home and site url in the wp-config.php file of your production environment (the … Read more

Changing my URL in General Settings cause the site to crash

The first domain listed in your question has the wp-admin slug, the 2nd doesn’t. You shouldn’t be making that change. Hopefully it was just a typo, however if that’s what you’re actually doing that is likely your problem. Also, you should be changing all instances of the old domain to the new domain WITH … Read more

http to https stuck in infinite loop

backup the htaccess file and delete it.. clear the browser cache.. go to your database yourprefix_options table change the siteurl and home with https://example.com/blog i am assuming you are running wordpress on the subdirectory called blog if not the case change the url to https://example.com and open the wp admin with https link go to … Read more