So I’m getting a segmentation fault error in the beginning of the code. I’ve tried running some tests at the different points and the error seems to be when i allocate memory for the array. Ive just started learning about heap and stack memory so I’m not really sure if I’m doing something wrong there. Any help would be appreciated.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; //Function Prototypes void sort(int A[], int n); int findMin(int A[], int n, int j); int swap(int& a, int& b); double median(int A[], int n); void output1(int median); void output2(double median); int main() { int size; int array[size]; //Segmentaion fault here int i = 0; cout << "Enter the size of the list (< 1 to quit): "; cin >> size; while(size >= 1) { double element; cout << "Enter element " << i+1 << ": "; cin >> element; array[i] = element; i++; while(i < size) { cout << "Enter element " << i+1 << ": "; cin >> element;