Set font size automatically according to number of words in post

Filter 'the_content', count the words, and add the markup you need. You should not use str_word_count() because it has issues with numbers and utf-8.

So let’s start with a word count function:

 * Alternative for str_word_count().
 * @link
 * @param string $str
 * @return int Number of words
function t5_word_count( $str )
    // We do not want to count markup
    $text = strip_tags( $str );
    // no leading and trailing white space
    $text = trim( $text );
    // take multiple white spaces as one
    // Add one space to get an almost exact match
    $word_count = preg_match_all( '~\s+~', "$text ", $m );

    return (int) $word_count;

Now the filter function:

// Hook in very late to let other filters (shortcodes and such)
// do their work first.
add_filter( 'the_content', 't5_content_word_count', 999 );

 * Add a <div> with a special class to the content.
 * @param string $content
 * @return string
function t5_content_word_count( $content )
    $words = t5_word_count( $content );
    // max 100 words
    $words < 101 && $class="100";
    // max 50 words
    $words < 51  && $class="50";
    return "<div class="word-count-$class">$content</div>";

Instead of inline styles which are very bad on mobile devices or printed pages I have chosen a class.

In your stylesheet you can now style these classes:

    font-size: 1em;
    font-size: 1.1em;
    font-size: 1.2em;

Be aware that the filter works on single pages of a post only. If you have split a post into multiple parts with <!--nextpage--> you may get different classes for different pages of that post.


To insert the div when a post is saved do not filter 'the_content', but 'wp_insert_post_data'. And you need a third function for this:

add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data', 't5_count_words_on_insert', 999 );

 * Add the font size div on post insert.
 * @wp-hook wp_insert_post_data
 * @param   array $data
 * @return  array
function t5_count_words_on_insert( $data )
    '' !== $data['post_content']
        && FALSE === strpos(
                stripslashes( $data['post_content'] ),
                "<div class="word-count-"
        && $data["post_content'] = t5_content_word_count( $data['post_content'] );

    return $data;

See /wp-includes/post.php function wp_insert_post() for details.

I do not recommend this solution. You cannot use <!--nextpage--> now anymore because you would end up with an unclosed <div> on the first page.

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