Show excerpt if no title in admin view

You can try the following approach using the the_title filter in the edit.php screen:

 *  Modify post titles in the edit.php screen.
 *  If the post title is empty, then show max 10 words from the post content instead.
add_action( 'load-edit.php', function()
    add_filter( 'the_title', function( $title )
        $post = get_post();
        if( is_a( $post, '\WP_Post' ) && ! $post->post_title && $post->post_content )
            $title = wp_trim_words( strip_shortcodes( strip_tags( $post->post_content ) ), 10 );
        return $title;
    } );
} );

where we display max 10 words from the post content if the title is empty.