From the documentation and its sample code, I cannot see an option to get the downloads categories tree.
The function get_downloads
returns a one-dimensional array. Maybe a routine could be built to convert it into a multi-dimensional array.
Use this to see its contents:
$dl = get_downloads();
echo '<pre>' . print_r($dl, true ) . '</pre>';
Another possibility is given by a global variable of the plugin that holds all the categories:
global $download_taxonomies;
echo '<!-- <pre>' . print_r( $download_taxonomies->categories, true ) . '</pre> -->';
And the results are:
[1] => download_category Object
[id] => 1
[name] => util
[parent] => 0
[decendents] =>
[direct_decendents] =>
[size] => 51
[2] => download_category Object
[id] => 2
[name] => sys
[parent] => 0
[decendents] => Array
[0] => 5
[1] => 7
[2] => 8
[direct_decendents] => Array
[0] => 5
[1] => 7
[size] => 3
[5] => download_category Object
[id] => 5
[name] => mac
[parent] => 2
[decendents] => Array
[0] => 8
[direct_decendents] => Array
[0] => 8
[size] => 4
[7] => download_category Object
[id] => 7
[name] => windows
[parent] => 2
[decendents] =>
[direct_decendents] =>
[size] => 0
[8] => download_category Object
[id] => 8
[name] => ipad
[parent] => 5
[decendents] =>
[direct_decendents] =>
[size] => 0
Using this array, a logic can be built to iterate through the elements and display the categories hierarchy.
Demonstration with a shortcode. Note that digforcats
has to be a null value:
add_shortcode('download_cats', 'wpse_73425_download_categories');
function wpse_73425_download_categories( $atts )
global $download_taxonomies;
foreach( $atts as $key=>$value )
$query .= '&' . $key . '=' . $value;
$the_cats="<br><br>Download Categories:";
foreach( $download_taxonomies->categories as $category )
if( $category->parent == 0 )
$the_cats .= '<br><b>' . $category->name . '</b><br>';
$dl = get_downloads('category='.$category->id.$query.'&digforcats=");
foreach($dl as $d)
$the_cats .= "<br><a href="'
.$d->url . '" title="Version '
.$d->version . ' downloaded '
.$d->hits.' times" >'
.$d->title.' ('.$d->hits.')</a>';
if( isset( $category->direct_decendents ) )
foreach( $category->direct_decendents as $cat )
$the_cats .= '<br>- - <i>'
. $download_taxonomies->categories[$cat]->name
. '</i><br>';
$dl = get_downloads('category='.$cat.$query.'&digforcats=");
foreach($dl as $d)
$the_cats .= "<br><a href="'
.$d->url.'" title="Version '
.$d->version . ' downloaded '
.$d->hits.' times" >'
.$d->title.' ('.$d->hits.')</a>';
return $the_cats;
Screenshots of the plugin page and the shortcode output: