Is there a way to add a custom input field for every taxonomy term in WP post editor?

This is not a taxonomy field you need, because as you described, the name of the field will stay constant for every category, but its value will change for every post. So the field should be attached to the post, not to the category. What you actually need to use is a post custom field, that you could name (internally) something like _post_cheerfulness, _post_lazyness, etc. (The display names will of course be Cheerfulness, Lazyness, etc.).
If your list of categories to be voted for will remain constant, this is extremely easy : you just need to create as many custom fields (possibly with meta boxes to make it look nice, maybe even with a star-rating system).
If your list of categories will change all the time, it will be more complicated. But it’s still achievable (with a dynamic custom field metaboxes generator that can loop through all categories).