Show siblings (if any) and parents

As it stands your code almost works, but it checks to see if the current page has a parent, which will always be true for both 2nd and 3rd level pages.

WordPress gives us get_ancestors to retrieve an ordered array of ancestors for any hierarchical object type:

get_ancestors( $object_id, $object_type );

So we can use get_ancestors( $post->ID, 'page' ) and count the elements to help us get the depth right for your navigation.

if($post->post_parent) {

    $ancestors = get_ancestors( $post->ID, 'page' );

    if ( 1 == count( $ancestors ) ) {

            echo '<ul>';

                array (
                    'title_li' => '',
                    'sort_column' => 'menu_order',
                    'child_of' => $ancestors[0],
                    'depth' => 1

            echo '</ul>';


    if ( 2 == count( $ancestors ) ) {

            echo '<ul>';

                array (
                    'title_li' => '',
                    'sort_column' => 'menu_order',
                    'child_of' => $ancestors[1],
                    'depth' => 2

            echo '</ul>';



You could be more clever with the logic, popping the last element off the ancestor array for example, but I’ve kept it verbose for clarity.