Single loop for wp_query and wp_user_query

You can not merge two different queries when the returned type is an object, because they have different methods and properties. Instead, you can get them as an array. Then you can merge them and compare the dates. For this, I’m going to use get_posts() over WP_Query(), and get_users() over WP_User_Query() to achieve this.

The code itself should be self explanatory.

// Get a list of users
$users = get_users ();

// Get an array of posts. Don't forget to set the args
$posts = get_posts();

// Let's merge these two
$users_posts = array_merge( $users, $posts );

// Now, let's sort both of them based on 
// their dates. a user object holds the date
// as `user_registered`, while a post object
// holds the date as `post_date`. We use the
// usort() function to do so.
usort( $users_posts, "sort_users_and_posts" );

// Function to sort the array
function sort_users_and_posts( $a, $b ){

    // Here's the tricky part. We need to get the
    // date based on the object type, and then compare them.

    // Get the date for first element
    if( $a instanceof WP_User ){
        $first_element_date = strtotime ( $a->user_registered );
    } else {
        $first_element_date = strtotime ( $a->post_date );

    // Get the date for second element
    if( $b instanceof WP_User ){
        $second_element_date = strtotime ( $b->user_registered );
    } else {
        $second_element_date = strtotime ( $b->post_date );

    // Now let's compare the dates

    // If the dates are the same
    if ( $first_element_date == $second_element_date ) return 0;

    // If one is bigger than the other
    return ( $first_element_date < $second_element_date ) ? -1 : 1;


// Now, we run a foreach loop and output the date.
// We need to check again whether the object is an
// instance of WP_Post or WP_User
foreach ( $users_posts as $object ) {
    if( $object instanceof WP_Post ){
        // This is a post
    } else {
        // This is a user

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