Checking for stock in accordance with product’s SKU
Checking for stock in accordance with product’s SKU
Checking for stock in accordance with product’s SKU
prepare select of array
wpdb‘s get_results method takes an optional second argument that lets you specify how the data is returned. The default return is an object. But you can also set it to… OBJECT – result will be output as a numerically indexed array of row objects. OBJECT_K – result will be output as an associative array of … Read more
Warning: Array to string conversion in /css/base.php on line 500 [closed]
It might be added during development, most probably coming from Theme or Plugin, The best way to debug is download active plugins and active theme using this plugin Download Plugin/ Theme, and open code in VSCode and search for var_dump, var_export, print_r, die, and etc. I’d say first search in Theme than go for Plugins.
This is not a WordPress-specific question, and without seeing your form code it’s hard to say, but what is obviously wrong is that you are referring to the variable with the [] in the name. Try removing them and test again. If not, I suggest var_dumping the $_POST variable and seeing what it contains and … Read more
Inside nested wordpress loop (post & post-type) ” in_array()” function can’t retrieve the matching value
To achieve the behavior you’re describing—keeping the “prev” or “next” buttons visible but not clickable when you’re on the first or last page—you can use a combination of CSS and conditionally modifying the pagination links. Here’s an example of how you can achieve this in WordPress: First, add the following CSS to your theme’s stylesheet … Read more
Query for posts belonging to multiple categories
Array_splice index problem in ACF Flexible Content