Children Shortcodes?

This is possible, but you can only nest one level down, after that the shortcode regexp parser flips out. So your example would be okay, but [item1] would not be able to contain even more nested shortcodes. To enable nesting, just go ahead and do: add_shortcode(‘data’, function($attributes, $content=””) { return do_shortcode($content); } Relevant article:

Nested custom post types templating

I found out how to solve this problem, and I hope I can help others in future. My goal was to create an url structure like this: landen/land/rondreizen, with the use of multiple custom post types. ‘landen’ and ‘rondreizen’ are both custom post types. The templating structure should wordpress-like, act like this archive/single/archive. After long … Read more

get children from current variable (taxonomy) via shortcode

Ok I finally notice what is it that I have to do! 😀 The variable was already set in the array in the shortcode atts. All I had to do was set the parent=$category in the before the filter: $terms = get_terms(‘cat_portfolio’, array(‘hide_empty’=> true, ‘parent’=> $category)); For wordpress developers maybe this is very easy but … Read more

WP_Query doesn’t works inside loop

try like this: if ($obj->have_posts()){ while($obj->have_posts()){ $obj->the_post(); $slug = get_the_tags(); $obj->the_title(); echo “<br/>”; $queryH = array(“cat”=>13,”order”=>”ASC”,”posts_per_page”=>-1,”tag__in”=>$slug); $objH = new WP_Query($queryH); if ($objH->have_posts()){ while($objH->have_posts()){ $objH->the_post(); $objH->the_title(); echo “<br/>”; } } } }