How do I make a discord bot join a voice channel?
Looks like you’re using Discord.js V12. To get the channel you’ll have to use:
Looks like you’re using Discord.js V12. To get the channel you’ll have to use:
The bot needs a computer to keep running. When you are programming and testing your bot, it’s your PC which is powering it. When you close your PC or stop the bot process in the terminal, the bot user in the Discord server will also get offline. It takes time for the bot to show … Read more
Discord.RichEmbed got removed in v12. just use Discord.MessageEmbed instead. it’s essentially the same. just a new name. new docs:
You didn’t provide any code that you already tested so I will give you the code for your ready event that will work! Be careful that your channel id a string. Let me know if it worked, thank you! 2020 Jun 13 Edit: A Discord.js update requires the cache member of channels before the get method. If … Read more
I am using Discord.js and I have no idea how to get the value out of a Promise. Here is some context: and I get the output: My issue is that I can obviously get my username and print it to console, but I can’t get it out of the Promise. How do I get … Read more
I am just getting into Discord.JS and wasn’t able to find any clues on how to server mute a specific user. I was looking over some documentation but still didn’t find an appropriate answer. I do know you can do this by setting roles, but that won’t work since the role on the user I will be muting using … Read more
Jakye is right. Only bots can achieve this (but not in field titles, beware). Just do [link text here](url here). This embed description results in: this in the embed. Clicking on it directs you to Using .addField(): If you want a bot’s message to just be a hyperlink, you need to make an embed, and only … Read more
Required Dependencies: sqlite Well considering that this question is very general, I’ll give a fairly general answer. Knowing that you’re using discord.js … One way you can complete your goal, is by creating an sqlite database. Note: this does not involve variables. To do this, you will have to require sqlite as a dependency: const … Read more
client.user.presence returns a Presence, a very complex object. I believe you are looking for Presence#status, which will return online, offline, idle, or dnd Also, instead of adding every property to the userinfo object after it’s been defined, you could condense your code using object destructuring: Show code snippet Show code snippet
Jakye is right. Only bots can achieve this (but not in field titles, beware). Just do [link text here](url here). This embed description results in: this in the embed. Clicking on it directs you to Using .addField(): If you want a bot’s message to just be a hyperlink, you need to make an embed, … Read more