Using `esc_attr( get_block_wrapper_attributes() )`, results in `class=””wp-block-foo””`
Use the wp_kses_data function to escape the data. See the official Gutenberg examples repo for an example
Use the wp_kses_data function to escape the data. See the official Gutenberg examples repo for an example
If I put <script>alert(‘hello’);</script> in the title of a WordPress page with the default theme the script runs. This is expected behaviour. HTML is typically allowed in titles in WordPress. The standard WordPress function, the_title(), does not escape the title. If you don’t want to allow script tags then you need to sanitize the input … Read more
The point of escaping is to make sure that when a value is output, it cannot output anything malicious, or that would just break the markup of the page. For example, when outputting a variable, you will want to escape certain characters so that the value can’t unintentionally open or close HTML tags, which could … Read more
$post_content=”"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit…"”; Try encoding special characters. See: &
I tried your code and it works: I changed the wp_verify_nonce function, because that wasn’t working for me. I added an action instead of what it had. Now, for this to work, you have to create a nonce field with a code like this, of course that you can change the names if you want. … Read more
The secret is called escaping. You need to place an extra set of square brackets around your shortcode and it will display as . Also, double escaping works too: [gallery] outputs . There is also a Trac ticket on this topic.
Code auto escaping is not working when using short codes
Where is escaped the shortcode?
Well that depends on how you define secure. I assume your embed code is an iframe which means that you are putting something not under your control (that could in theory always change into something malicious) into your site. This isn’t 100% secure itself. That is why esc_html strips that out. The question you have … Read more
site_url() returns with additional backslashes