How do I install gcc on cygwin?

Ok. You should launch the installer of cygwin setup-x86_64.exe (if you have deleted it from your computer than just download it from In the Cygwin Setup dialog window just press Next, and press Next again. In dialog “Cygwin Setup – Choose Installation Directory” you should select root directory in wich CygWin has been installed & … Read more

Inheriting constructors

If your compiler supports C++11 standard, there is a constructor inheritance using using (pun intended). For more see Wikipedia C++11 article. You write: This is all or nothing – you cannot inherit only some constructors, if you write this, you inherit all of them. To inherit only selected ones you need to write the individual constructors manually and … Read more

Undefined reference to vtable

So, I’ve figured out the issue and it was a combination of bad logic and not being totally familiar with the automake/autotools world. I was adding the correct files to my template, but I wasn’t sure which step in our build process actually created the makefile itself. So, I was compiling with an old … Read more

How does #include work in C++?

It is basically a header file that also includes every standard library and STL include file. The only purpose I can see for it would be for testing and education. Se e.g. GCC 4.8.0 /bits/stdc++.h source. Using it would include a lot of unnecessary stuff and increases compilation time. Edit: As Neil says, it’s an implementation for … Read more

Convert char to int in C and C++

Depends on what you want to do: to read the value as an ascii code, you can write to convert the character ‘0’ -> 0, ‘1’ -> 1, etc, you can write Explanation:a – ‘0’ is equivalent to ((int)a) – ((int)’0′), which means the ascii values of the characters are subtracted from each other. Since 0 comes directly before 1 in the ascii … Read more