How bad is IPv4 address exhaustion really?

It’s very bad. Here is a list of examples of what I have first hand experience with consumer ISPs doing to fight the shortage of IPv4 addresses: Repeatedly shuffling around IPv4 blocks between cities causing brief outages and connection resets for customers. Shortening DHCP lease times from days to minutes. Allow users to choose if … Read more

How does IPv4 Subnetting Work?

IP subnets exist to allow routers to choose appropriate destinations for packets. You can use IP subnets to break up larger networks for logical reasons (firewalling, etc), or physical need (smaller broadcast domains, etc). Simply put, though, IP routers use your IP subnets to make routing decisions. Understand how those decisions work, and you can … Read more

What is IPV6 for localhost and

As we all know that IPv4 address for localhost is (loopback address). Actually, any IPv4 address in is a loopback address. In IPv6, the direct analog of the loopback range is ::1/128. So ::1 (long form 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1) is the one and only IPv6 loopback address. While the hostname localhost will normally resolve to or ::1, I have seen cases where someone has bound it to an IP … Read more

How can I convert IPV6 address to IPV4 address?

While there are IPv6 equivalents for the IPv4 address range, you can’t convert all IPv6 addresses to IPv4 – there are more IPv6 addresses than there are IPv4 addresses. The only sane way around this issue is to update your application to be able to understand and store IPv6 addresses.