Tell Jenkins to run a specific project on a particular slave node

Set the “Restrict where this job can be run” check box in your job configuration and specify the name of your slave. If you add more slaves later, you can set labels for each slave and specify those in your job configs. See this reference documentation:

Webdriver Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms

Don’t know if you resolved this problem, but I have just resolved the same issue from the other side. It appears Selenium and Firefox have difficulty talking to each other – I suspect Firefox ‘evolve’ changes over a number of releases, so backward and forward compatibility are not always guaranteed, and incompatibility always seems to … Read more

Jenkins Project Artifacts and Workspac

It does seem like you are confused about several aspects of Jenkins.. I think your question basically boils down to the following. What is a difference between a workspace and a build? So, here are some thoughts on this topic: Builds are historical data. They (usually) don’t change like a workspace does during building/checkout. Builds … Read more

How to restart Jenkins manually?

To restart Jenkins manually, you can use either of the following commands (by entering their URL in a browser): (jenkins_url)/safeRestart – Allows all running jobs to complete. New jobs will remain in the queue to run after the restart is complete. (jenkins_url)/restart – Forces a restart without waiting for builds to complete.

gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found

This problem might occur if you are behind corporate proxy and corporation uses its own certificate. Just add “–no-check-certificate” in the command. e.g. wget –no-check-certificate -qO – | sudo apt-key add – It works. If you want to see what is going on, you can use verbose command instead of quiet before adding “–no-check-certificate” option. … Read more

gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found

This problem might occur if you are behind corporate proxy and corporation uses its own certificate. Just add “–no-check-certificate” in the command. e.g. wget –no-check-certificate -qO – | sudo apt-key add – It works. If you want to see what is going on, you can use verbose command instead of quiet before adding “–no-check-certificate” option. … Read more