How can I get all my website pages to show in the Word Press dashboard?
How can I get all my website pages to show in the Word Press dashboard?
How can I get all my website pages to show in the Word Press dashboard?
Set the Social Icon Size in footer
Multiple plugins settings of same developer into ONE settings page linked together
How to add custom settings to the menu of custom post types?
It seems the problem is with shortcodes, specifically if they echo any content – which of course they shouldn’t. We had shortcodes registered to programmatically generate content on some pages on the front-end of the site but the functions the short-codes call appear to get called from the backend, even when creating a new page … Read more
You can add this to your body tag of your current theme <body <?php body_class(‘class-name’); ?>> and then specifically target the container. #yourdiv { border: 2px solid red; } Always work for me.
give my plugin a try User Specific Content
How to exclude page in pages module
WordPress enqueues javascript before the HTML is rendered so WordPress doesn’t know what the class or ID is on the page. What you MIGHT be able to do is deenqueue the Next-Gen gallery Javascript so it isn’t loaded at all and then create your own Javascript file which loads the required Next-Gen JS if a … Read more
Setting admin submenu appears only when I cliked on a custom link