How to format a string as a telephone number in C#
I have a string “1112224444′ it is a telephone number. I want to format as 111-222-4444 before I store it in a file. It is on a datarecord and I would prefer to be able to do this without assigning a new variable. I was thinking: but that does not seem to do the trick. … Read more
How to mark-up phone numbers?
The tel: scheme was used in the late 1990s and documented in early 2000 with RFC 2806 (which was obsoleted by the more-thorough RFC 3966 in 2004) and continues to be improved. Supporting tel: on the iPhone was not an arbitrary decision. callto:, while supported by Skype, is not a standard and should be avoided unless specifically targeting Skype users. Me? I’d just start including properly-formed tel: URIs on your … Read more
How do I get the dialer to open with phone number displayed?
Two ways to achieve it. 1) Need to start the dialer via code, without user interaction. You need Action_Dial, use below code it will open Dialer with number specified The ‘tel:’ prefix is required, otherwhise the following exception will be thrown: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not execute method of the activity. Action_Dial doesn’t require any permission. If you want … Read more