Any tips for a plugin to define specific pages navigation for specific types of users / members? [closed]

If you just want to display a different menu then use the below Plugin, Define the different roles for each plan, and set menu/navigation accordingly. For the Membership plan, I guess you already set up the membership plugin or you can use the Paid Membership Pro plugin

Restrict post to user_id

I am not expert on users, simplest way as for me would be to store ID (or IDs) of user in custom field and check for it if user is not admin. Some example code (not tested): if(current_user_can(‘administrator’) || in_array(get_current_user_id(), get_post_meta(get_the_id(), ‘allowed_users’, true))) { the_content(); } else { echo ‘Post restricted’; }

Photo gallery on profile page? [closed]

While answering this Q, stumbled upon this other one: add ‘file upload’ field to user details, which may be a duplicate and where Bainternet suggests Cimy User Extra Fields. Advanced Custom Fields can do the job. Without any premium Add-on* this can be solved adding Image fields to the Users pages: ^^^^ Which results in … Read more