What is a reverse shell?

It’s a(n insecure) remote shell introduced by the target. That’s the opposite of a “normal” remote shell, that is introduced by the source. Let’s try it with localhost instead of Open two tabs in your terminal. open TCP port 8080 and wait for a connection:nc localhost -lp 8080 Open an interactive shell, and redirect the IO streams … Read more

How to use execvp() to execute a command

The prototype of execvp is It expects a pointer to char as the first argument, and a NULL-terminated pointer to an array of char*. You are passing completely wrong arguments. You are passing a single char as first argument and a char* as the second. Use execlp instead: So Also the convention in UNIX is to print error messages to stderr and a process with an error should have … Read more

How to use execvp()

The first argument is the file you wish to execute, and the second argument is an array of null-terminated strings that represent the appropriate arguments to the file as specified in the man page. For example: