Spring Hibernate – Could not obtain transaction-synchronized Session for current thread

You must enable the transaction support (<tx:annotation-driven> or @EnableTransactionManagement) and declare the transactionManager and it should work through the SessionFactory. You must add @Transactional into your @Repository With @Transactional in your @Repository Spring is able to apply transactional support into your repository. Your Student class has no the @javax.persistence.* annotations how @Entity, I am assuming … Read more

model.addAttribute() parameters

I’m new to Spring MVC Framework. I’m doing some self study to extend my knowledge in Java. This is how I understand the getProducts() code definition from a tutorial I’m following but please correct me if I’m wrong. Controller requests something from the Data Access Object > Data Access Object gets the data from a … Read more

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to introspect Class

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.core.ElasticsearchOperations This error message means that the jar containing this class is not on the application classpath. Add spring-data-elasticsearch jar to it, and your error should be gone. if you are using maven, add the jar to the classpath this way : The version that you should use depends on the version … Read more

Configure active profile in SpringBoot via Maven

The Maven profile and the Spring profile are two completely different things. Your pom.xml defines spring.profiles.active variable which is available in the build process, but not at runtime. That is why only the default profile is activated. How to bind Maven profile with Spring? You need to pass the build variable to your application so that it … Read more