Navbar bg to overflow to section below (updated)
Navbar bg to overflow to section below (updated)
Navbar bg to overflow to section below (updated)
Use an RSS feed widget and grab the RSS feed of the SE site. In the case of this site:
Stackexchange uses the classic Markdown. I think this plugin will work for you. Also the code parts uses Google Code Prettify, which also has a WordPress plugin.
get_current_user_id(); gets the current logged in user id and you need the user whos profileUrl is views so try this insted to get the right id: $author = get_user_by( ‘slug’, get_query_var( ‘author_name’ ) ); echo $author->ID;’ yep, so instead of your code try this: $author = get_user_by( ‘slug’, get_query_var( ‘author_name’ ) ); if ($author->ID > … Read more
I don’t know of a plugin but the easiest way is to just embed your stack flair: For a more detialed solution I recommend you just fetch the Stack API using the the WordPress HTTP API, the docs are here: The Stack API is very easy to work with and returns JSON. For … Read more
I think it’s pretty self-explanatory, see the SE flair page. Simply copy the provided HTML and paste it into the appropriate template file. I didn’t down vote, but i can understand why, this is really basic copy and paste HTML..
I recently used for WDC2011 in October, I didn’t look to far in to all the options but I think it can do everything you’re looking for. I’d suggest also using MailChimp for emailing attendees as it is far better than anything I’ve found to plugin to WordPress.
On line 704 it mentions something about “User_ID => 5”. Not sure, but this might have something to do with your problem? // debug stuff $args = array(‘user_ID’ => 5); rhb_check_user_badges( $args );
Templatic has one called Q&A WordPress. Here is the demo.