Why does fatal error “LNK1104: cannot open file ‘C:\Program.obj'” occur when I compile a C++ project in Visual Studio?

This particular issue is caused by specifying a dependency to a lib file that had spaces in its path. The path needs to be surrounded by quotes for the project to compile correctly. On the Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input tab of the project’s properties, there is an Additional Dependencies property. This issue was fixed by adding the … Read more

Identifier is undefined

From the update 2 and after narrowing down the problem scope, we can easily find that there is a brace missing at the end of the function addWord. The compiler will never explicitly identify such a syntax error. instead, it will assume that the missing function definition located in some other object file. The linker will … Read more

ERROR: Cannot open source file ” “

You need to check your project settings, under C++, check include directories and make sure it points to where GameEngine.h resides, the other issue could be that GameEngine.h is not in your source file folder or in any include directory and resides in a different folder relative to your project folder. For instance you have 2 projects ProjectA and ProjectB, if you are including GameEngine.h in some … Read more

Visual Studio debugger error: Unable to start program Specified file cannot be found

Guessing from the information I have, you’re not actually compiling the program, but trying to run it. That is, ALL_BUILD is set as your startup project. (It should be in a bold font, unlike the other projects in your solution) If you then try to run/debug, you will get the error you describe, because there … Read more