How to make a DIV not wrap?
Try using white-space: nowrap; in the container style (instead of overflow: hidden;)
Try using white-space: nowrap; in the container style (instead of overflow: hidden;)
That’s because there are no spaces in that long string so it has to break out of its container. Add word-break:break-all; to your .title rules to force a break. jsFiddle example
Try this:
Use p{width} for your column specifiers instead of l/r/c. EDIT: (based on the comments) we get:
I want to have a row of divs (cells) that don’t wrap if the browser is too narrow to fit them. I’ve searched Stack, and couldn’t find a working answer to what I think should be a simple css question. The cells have specified width. However I don’t want to specify the width of the … Read more