You can use

Input was:
[ROOT [S [S [NP [PRP It]] [VP [VBZ is] [NP [QP [RB nearly] [DT half] [JJ past] [CD five]]]]] [, ,] [S [NP [PRP we]] [VP [MD can] [RB not] [VP [VB reach] [NP [NN town]] [PP [IN before] [NP [NN dark]]]]]] [, ,] [S [NP [PRP we]] [VP [MD will] [VP [VB miss] [NP [NN dinner]]]]] [. .]]]
Also works if the string has no line breaks, e.g.:
[S [NP [DT The] [NN man]] [VP [VBZ is] [VP [VBG running] [PP [IN on] [NP [DT the] [NN mountain]]]]] [. .]]
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