Displaying custom post types in author.php

I’ll guess that you don’t set $authorid anywhere, so it’s being ignored and returning all posts regardless of author. If you enable debugging, you’ll get a warning telling you that $authorid is undefined. It’s good practice to always develop with debugging enabled, so you don’t have to guess what your errors are. Also, don’t use … Read more

Restrict one post per author

Answer from comments: First, create a conditional to check if the user has already ‘published’ a post. If yes, simply redirect them. One can use update_post_meta with the post ID without any problem. Simply use that information to populate the fields.

How can HTML be allowed in Author Bio?

remove the filter that formats the description. put this in your theme’s functions.php: remove_filter(‘pre_user_description’, ‘wp_filter_kses’); EDIT – I should mention, if you allow random people to register and add their own bio for display on the site, not filtering that text could enable bad things.