How to add embed image in comments?

You can do that by using the comment_text filter. It runs for each comment, so with some regex you can find all links in the comment and loop through them. You make one more check to make sure the link has an image extension (jpg, jpeg, png, etc). If it does, we can embed it … Read more

How to anchor to embed video

Editing the raw HTML isn’t going to work, a worst case scenario is it fails block validation when reopened in the editor and your edits get replaced automatically. Instead, use the anchor box under the advanced panel. Since the HTML of an embed usually comes from a 3rd party via OEmbed, you can wrap the … Read more

Facebook video on a post appears in a strange language [closed]

It’s a localization problem, Facebook is loading a who-know-where javascript sdk to embed the video. Switch to code view inside your wordpress editor and search for the js include url, similar to this, and change whatever string appears instead of en_US with en_US. Where the string is located depends on how you are doing … Read more