What data validation we must use in different contexts?
What data validation we must use in different contexts?
What data validation we must use in different contexts?
How to remove all comments from JS, HTML, CSS files?
I use a similar plugin called WP Syntax, which works better, in my experience, so I’m going to answer for that one: Question 1: Do I have to type in the Visual window or the HTML window? In the HTML window. I prefer the <pre lang=”php”> mode. Question 2: Does TinyMCE mess with this? Yes, … Read more
Wrap the call to the header image in your header.php file with the following: if ( is_front_page() ) { // Call to Header Image }
It appears that you can ask wp_insert_post() to return a WP_Error on failure by setting the 2nd parameter to true (it defaults to false). So if you change $new_article_id = wp_insert_post($new_article); to $new_article_id = wp_insert_post( $new_article, true ); in your code, you should get WP_Error objects back that you can then inspect.
Hi @menardmam: Let’s try with what I wrote in the question : $cat->cat_name. How can I know that cat_name is a method that return something from $cat from get_the_category() function? Frankly the best way to know an answer like that is to use a debugging IDE and to trace through the WordPress core source code. … Read more
If you’re dealing with framework that holds values in a global variable then there isn’t much you can do about it. Here is an example of wrapping the variable in a static getter. if ( ! class_exists( ‘SMOFData’ ) ): class SMOFData { static public function is( $key, $compare ) { $value = static::get( $key … Read more
WordPress assumes that you use <code> for inline code and <pre> for a box of code. In your case, then, you shouldn’t have any need to use <pre><code> but just <pre> See: Writing Code in Your Posts
Geshi In general the Geshi library is a popular library for formatting code ( http://qbnz.com/highlighter/) Geshi as a WordPress plugin For WordPress several authors “packaged” Geshi in a plugin. take your pick: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/search.php?q=geshi The one I use Personally I use this plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/codecolorer/. This one works by enclosing all pieces of codes with a [cc … Read more
First of all get all video attachements of the post or page: <?php $attachments = get_children( array(‘post_parent’ => get_the_ID(), ‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’, ‘post_mime_type’ => ‘video’) ); if ( $attachments ) { ?> 2nd: Load the videos into the playlist code with a unique ID (http://docs.sublimevideo.net/beta/playlists). Here I do use the attachement ID for each video … Read more