What is the reason to use function strings for callbacks

in general: basically the answer is that php is dynamic language which do not force static constructs and do not validate them in any way until execution time. You will need extra tools to validate php code which a “bare” editor is unlikely to have. And specifically to your question because that is how you … Read more

How to use filter in this situation, can not modify the structure using filter

So you’re trying to call the hide_empty_fields() and maybe_add_disclaimer_and_courtesy() methods in the Register_Impress_Shortcodes class, from within a global function, and it’s not impossible to call class methods from within such global functions, but you cannot use $this in your function because $this is only available from within a class method which is called from within … Read more

if is specific custom post in cpt

I don’t think that is possible using some function (I can be completely wrong though). What you can do is check page slug using if() statement. Something like: global $post; $post_slug=$post->post_name; if($post_slug==’harry-potter’){ //something here }

Next/Previous Url only

There are no functions for that in WordPress core (yet), however, you can: Use get_previous_post() to get the previous post. Use get_next_post() to get the next post. Or you can also make a direct call to get_adjacent_post() which is used by the above functions. And then just use get_permalink() to get the previous/next post’s URL. … Read more

how do i add customizer edit option without plugin in wp

The customizer, as it is mostly for style settings. If you want to make a heading dynamic then you could create a custom field. Then echo that into the page or post template using the get_post_meta function, and wrap it in whatever HTML tags you wish. Hope this helps! check these out: https://wordpress.org/support/article/custom-fields/ https://wordpress.org/support/article/custom-fields/#displaying-custom-fields Or … Read more

Where to find new class reference or function of deprecated one?

The deprecated functions are listed in the following files. /wp-includes/deprecated.php /wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php /wp-includes/pluggable-deprecated.php /wp-includes/ms-deprecated.php /wp-admin/includes/ms-deprecated.php As to whether the Codex is updated with the above I have no idea, but like always.. when in doubt look into the actual core code. Use an IDE or text editor that has a good find in files search, so … Read more