Twenty Seventeen custom section – one column layout

I found an answer, but maybe there is a better way using page-templates and applying the change directly. For now, it’s possible to apply the following in the stylesheet: #primary #panel1 .entry-header{ width: 100%; } #primary #panel1 .entry-content, #panel1 #comments{ width: 100%; } Altering the #panel number you can hard code the … Read more

Make custom post column sortable

You need two additional functions. The first to make the column sortable hooks into the manage_edit-{post_type}_sortable_columns filter… function ws_sortable_manufacturer_column( $columns ) { $columns[‘manufacturer’] = ‘Manufacturer’; return $columns; } add_filter( ‘manage_edit-post_sortable_columns’, ‘ws_sortable_manufacturer_column’ ); and the second hooks into pre_get_posts to manipulate the query to sort by the column… function ws_orderby_custom_column( $query ) { global $pagenow; if … Read more

Split columns into three+ divs?

With the above shown function split_content() it’s not possible to build a three column layout. It basically splits the content with the <!– more –>-Tag into half and then builds two columns (in a pretty complicated way). Maybe it works with adding multiple <!–more–>-Tags to your post content in the HTML-Editor.