Last Logged In Sortable Column

The default Last Login column only applies to users who are currently logged in. The timestamp is deleted when the user logs out. First, you need to save the timestamp when a user logs in. This will save it to user_meta. function save_login_timestamp( $user_login, $user ) { update_user_meta( $user->ID, ‘last_login’, time() ); } add_action( ‘wp_login’, … Read more

Creating two Columns on a Page. [closed]

You can do this with the CSS: .wp_cart_product_display_box {float:left;} You will probably want to add something like margin-right: 30px; to that. PS. You have a rogue </p> tag on the page also, check your content/template for syntax errors.

How to have two column on my index page?

It depends on the theme you are using. The index.php file in your theme applies to your home page. So if you change the HTML structure in there to be 3 columns, your home page should be 3 columns. Be careful though because index.php will also apply in some cases beyond the home page. Take … Read more

Specify Table Column Width on a Page

You could do it like this? <table border=”5″> <tbody> <tr> <td width=”150″ colspan=”2″> <h4>NLP</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=”50″>Overview</td> <td width=”100″>A natural language processing challenge.</td> </tr> </tbody>

Sortable columns by meta value holding a date – can’t get it to work

Is it not an option to insert the sorting directly to the WP_Query class? It has all the parameters for handling this kind of situation If you want to do that in the code, you can first validate all the dates, then convert them to the standard ISO(yyyy-mm-dd) format & then use the standard … Read more