get meta description of rank math in single post for schema
get meta description of rank math in single post for schema
get meta description of rank math in single post for schema
Put the below full code and that should work.. <?php class Description_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu { function start_el(&$output, $item, $depth, $args) { $classes = empty ( $item->classes ) ? array () : (array) $item->classes; $class_names = join( ‘ ‘ , apply_filters( ‘nav_menu_css_class’ , array_filter( $classes ), $item ) ); ! empty ( $class_names ) and $class_names=” … Read more
Try to use Yoast SEO: It’s the best plugin for SEO in WP and should be strips all “dangerous” chars
Have you checked your site’s meta description tag? May be, there are more than one meta description tag. That’s why, you are not seeing your preferred description in Google. If it is not the case, then Google might have ignored your preferred meta description. To solve this issue, you have to use a different one.
For stock WordPress, this is inside your site’s dashboard ( head to Settings > General. There you should see the title and description of your site. If you have an SEO plugin (like Yoast or SEO Framework), then you would need to check inside the settings of the plugin. Finally, if those don’t work, you … Read more
How can get Woocommerce product single description
echo urlencode(get_bloginfo(‘description’));
You need to take a deductive logic approach and: 1) change themes and 2) deactivate plugins to find what it is putting that garbage code in, and 3) view page source to see under what theme/plugin combinations it is in page source. First thing to do is view page source and see where that garbage … Read more
I was having the same problem the other day, due to a completely different typo đ $args = array( ‘description’ =>”My Desc”, ‘slug’ => “My Slug”, ‘parent’ => 0 ); $result = wp_insert_term(“Term1”, “category”, $args); Note the corrected ‘description’ element in the $args array.
bloginfo(‘description’) just displays the site tagline. âdescriptionâ â Displays the âTaglineâ set in Settings > General. This data is retrieved from the âblogdescriptionâ record in the wp_options table. So yes, it will be the same on every page. WordPress does not add meta descriptions to pages, or have the native capability to do so. … Read more