Can’t display user bio

I’m not certain as I have no experience of ACADP, but I suspect your problem is the function, acadp_get_user_slug. What does it do? Likely not what you think! As the following will work for the user admim: function display_user_bio() { $user_slug = ‘admin’; if($user_slug != ”) { $user = get_user_by(‘login’, $user_slug); if($user) { return get_the_author_meta(‘description’, … Read more

Description of a sub-taxonomy

Term description works only with term id and the taxonomy name, so if you want to get the sub term’s description, you should first get all the children of a term(and their children, if its another level deep) and loop over their ids with a single term_description call per id. <?php $my_taxonomy = ‘institute’; $terms … Read more