how to create a folder in wordpress

It might be best not to think of it as “folders” since it all runs off of index.php. The rest of the URL structure does not represent the file structure (eg Folders) but the permalink rewriting structure. (And thus make sure you have Permalinks enabled.) To create, you would create a Page within WordPress … Read more

Include file from higher level

You need to use get_template_directory(), this function will return local server path of you template and then you can use that path to access required file. So in your case it would be something like below: include get_template_directory() . “/Sorting.php”; PS: Mind the spelling of your file.

Install theme on multiple domains

That will work fine – just make sure they all have read and write access to that shared folder. The symlink command should be: ln -s StackOverflow question: Can two different WordPress blogs on the same server use a common theme folder?

Second wordpress installation on subdirectory

It’s probably not the best idea, but you can absolutely create a second install in a subdirectory. If you create a /blog subdirectory and install WordPress there, you’ll have a whole new site, with a whole new WP dashboard. and You could set up the new WP config to read the WordPress core … Read more

Two identical wp-includes directories on server

This is not an “executable directory”. The x means something different for directories: The execute bit allows the affected user to enter the directory, and access files and directories inside Source Also the * doesn’t mean executable for directories hear as you might think if you’ve read that answer. Instead it is just a directory … Read more

Cant get wordpress to work on subdirectory

so @funkysoul was kind of right in terms on installing php. It was still a nightmare to setup nginx the way i needed it, my solution is: location / { try_files $uri $uri/ =404; } location ^~ /blog { alias /srv/www/wordpress; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?/$1 last; location ~ \.php$ { index index.php; include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf; fastcgi_param … Read more

Creating directory in uploads: mkdir vs wp_mkdir_p

There is not much a difference but, for wp_mkdir_p() we can only pass the full path to attempt to create a folder. It is recursive directory creation function which check for the file_exists() or not. And moreover we don’t need to pass the folder permission because it checks for the parent directory permission and sets … Read more