Uncaught Error: Undefined constant “WP_CONTENT_DIR”

Yes, this is a bug, but it appear only when the WP configuration is not finished. The error occurs on this line (in wp-includes/load.php) : if ( ! extension_loaded( ‘mysql’ ) && ! extension_loaded( ‘mysqli’ ) && ! extension_loaded( ‘mysqlnd’ ) && ! file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/db.php’ ) ) { (…) This checks that mysql … Read more

What’s your process for installing a brand new site when there is already an existing one?

Whew, sounds like you’re about to embark on a digital spring cleaning! 👷 Starting Clean vs. Reset Tools: Personally, if the old site is bloated and cluttered with unnecessary plugins, starting fresh is a good idea. It ensures you’re not inheriting any unwanted database entries, lingering settings, or potential security vulnerabilities. Reset tools are cool, … Read more

Verify Cryptographic Authenticity after Downloading Releases (Signatures)

If you downloaded the latest version then your download URL would have been: https://wordpress.org/wordpress-6.5.3.zip You can find the md5 hash for this file by adding .md5 to the end of that URL, like this: https://wordpress.org/wordpress-6.5.3.zip.md5 The md5 hash for this file is: ad3b0a21dec368341d64906e86db49f7 So, theoretically, you should be able to get the md5 hash of … Read more