How is a student directory best handled in WordPress?

You could create a custom post type ‘student’, with post thumbnails for the images. The post title would be their name, post content would be the blurb. If the code scares you, there are plugins to assist. Taxonomies are also available to you, which operate like categories and tags, but can be any set of … Read more

local folder permissions vs chown — security considerations

Wp-content contains plugins and themes. So, if I can read and write into those files, I could add malicious code very easily. This malicious code can then do interesting things. You are basically inviting a lot of trouble. As for not understanding permissions:

issues including a file from a plugin directory

The function plugin_dir_path has an misleading name, it doesn’t include a file from plugin directory, it just include a file from the same directory of the file passed as argument. When you call include( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . ‘test-plugin/needed_file.php’); from a file in theme directory, you are just trying to include a file from theme … Read more

How to copy one folder to another folder recursively

You can make use of the Filesystem API, especially the copy_dir() function – source – does seem to be what you are looking for. Take a look at the docblock from the above source link for a little bit more information: /** * Copies a directory from one location to another via the WordPress Filesystem … Read more

How do I set up single sign on for multiple WP installs across the same domain?

Let your blogs share the same user table. In your blogs wp-config.php files add: define(‘CUSTOM_USER_TABLE’, $table_prefix . ‘my_users’); define(‘CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE’, $table_prefix . ‘my_usermeta’); Important note from Codex: Please note that permissions in the user_meta tables are stored with the table prefix of the site. So in the CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE one must have entries for each site using … Read more

How to Create Hierarchical Directory for Nation Wide Mental Health Services

First of all, in WordPress here the best option to solve my problem is using Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies. To do that, I’ve created a file named “my_custom_posts.php” and put it inside the theme’s root folder. Then I’ve included this file in my “functions.php” using require(‘my_custom_posts.php’); You can also put your custom post … Read more

Multiple domains for multiple single installs

Serve both sites from the same installation. In your wp-config.php include the settings depending on $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’]. Example for a complete wp-config.php: define( ‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’ ); define( ‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’ ); define( ‘DB_COLLATE’, ‘utf8_general_ci’ ); if ( ‘’ === $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] ) // .net domain include ‘’; elseif ( ‘’ === $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] ) // .com domain include ‘’; … Read more