How can I set the first link in my nav menu to simply be a drop-down to some other pages

Use the wordpress Menus under Appereance -> Menu and wp_nav_menu instead of wp_list_pages in your theme. If your theme is recent, changes are that you are using it now. Under Appereance -> Menu Create a menu, label il “Site menu” Create a custom link About, and assign it # as destination link Drag and drop … Read more

Using Different nav_menu_css_class for different nav_walkers

The third parameter passed into nav_menu_css_classes should give you the information you need to sort out the different menus. Try: function onpage_nav_menu_css_class($classes, $item, $args) { var_dump($args); return $classes; } add_filter(‘nav_menu_css_class’, ‘onpage_nav_menu_css_class’, 1, 3); Note: That will make a mess of your page. It is debugging/development only code. I think that the theme_location should be sufficient … Read more

How to accomplish a child page navigation?

I’m outlining a solution for you, it uses get_children to determine if there are any, then conditionally sets up the post id $p_id for the child_of parameter, so that the list of child pages from a certain parent always can be shown, by making use of wp_list_pages(). Code: function wpse125273_child_page_nav() { global $post; $args = … Read more